Single-channel HD Video with Audio, Duration 03:19, 1920 x 1080p, 2015, Edition 3 + 2AP
A poetic visualization of the creation of personal metadata, for the identification of a digital self – born from code. In ‘ID’ LaTurbo addresses how social media platforms have continued to move toward the creation of authenticators adding real name policies and hungry terms of service to access to personal information. (2015, Single Channel Video with Audio)
LaTURBO AVEDON is an artist-render who lives and works on the Internet. An avatar whose identity is only connected to online expression, Avedon’s work offers a sensibility that is geometric, architectural, and uniquely digital.They an avatar and artist originating in virtual space. Their work emphasizes the practice of nonphysical identity and authorship. Many of the works can be described as research into dimensions, deconstructions, and the explosion of forms, exploring topics of virtual authorship and the physicality of the Internet.
June 2017 –‘ID’ presented as part of the TRANSFER DOWNLOAD at the Haus der elektronischen Künste in Basel.
November 2016 –‘ID’ presented as part of Current Museum of Art’s inaugural exhibition
July 2013 –‘New Sculpt’ at TRANSFER
Panther Modern
A curatorial project by LaTurbo Avedon, Panther Modern,is a file-based exhibition space, encouraging artists to create site-specific installations for the internet. Each project shown at Panther is given a unique structure in the format of a 3D model file, which built to engage the artist and their process of making. Given the variety of methods available to produce works in virtual space, the artist is able to choose the format in which they will share their installations. Completed rooms are added to the existing architecture, allowing the shape of Panther Modern to change with each project.